idmodelr - Infectious Disease Model Library and Utilities

Explore a range of infectious disease models in a consistent framework. The primary aim of 'idmodelr' is to provide a library of infectious disease models for researchers, students, and other interested individuals. These models can be used to understand the underlying dynamics and as a reference point when developing models for research. 'idmodelr' also provides a range of utilities. These include: plotting functionality; a simulation wrapper; scenario analysis tooling; an interactive dashboard; tools for handling mult-dimensional models; and both model and parameter look up tables. Unlike other modelling packages such as 'pomp' (<>), 'libbi' (<>) and 'EpiModel' (<>), 'idmodelr' serves primarily as an educational resource. It is most comparable to epirecipes (<>) but provides a more consistent framework, an R based workflow, and additional utility tooling. After users have explored model dynamics with 'idmodelr' they may then implement their model using one of these packages in order to utilise the model fitting tools they provide. For newer modellers, this package reduces the barrier to entry by containing multiple infectious disease models, providing a consistent framework for simulation and visualisation, and signposting towards other, more research focussed, resources.

Last updated 2 years ago


5.50 score 15 stars 14 scripts 193 downloads

idbrms - Infectious Disease Modelling Using brms

Infectious disease modelling using brms.

Last updated 2 years ago


2.60 score 4 stars 3 scripts